It was nice to see the show get back on track after a blah one last night. Hopefully the San Francisco episode was an anomaly that FOX purposely scheduled on Inauguration night (It didn’t matter. “Idol” still won in the ratings.)…
And kudos to Louisville, which looked fantastic—even if it didn’t always sound fantastic…
Before I tell you my favorites, which you already know if you read my random thoughts, let me get something out of the way because I know it will be a BIG topic all over the Internet tomorrow…
Joanna Pacitti, who Kara pointed out was signed to A&M Records, is the “ringer” I alluded to in my post about spoilers. She recorded my favorite song on the soundtrack to one of my favorite movies of all-time—“Shine” from “Legally Blonde.” If you’ve seen the movie, you’ll recognize it as the song that plays during the montage where Elle gets her act together (right after she says, “I’ll show you how valuable Elle Woods can be.”). Joanna was also involved in a controversy that caught Barbara Walter’s “20/20” eye when she was fired from the role of Annie in the Broadway revival of “Annie.” It was rumored that she was difficult to work with, so when she got sick they took the opportunity to replace her—not with her understudy, but with another member of the cast. She also had a song on the “Bratz” movie soundtrack.
I’m sure there are more ringers out there, but Joanna is the only one I definitely know about because I’ve been deliberately avoiding all the spoilers. And since I listen to her song quite often, well, that kind of bothers me. But for some reason, I’m not feeling the disgust toward her like I did with Carly at this stage. Maybe I’m impressed the show actually mentioned the record deal.
Now on to the good stuff…
I think you guys have already figured out that my favorite was Brent. As soon as he walked in, I said out loud, “What a hottie.” But fortunately he had the voice to match the looks. And you longtime readers know that I have to get behind a hottie every year. I also liked Alexis and Matt…
So what did you guys think? Did you think Louisville was an improvement over San Francisco? Are you offended by Joanna making it to Hollywood? Were you as unimpressed with Ryan’s shirt as I was?
Please leave your thoughts by posting a comment below…