I considered writing something sappy about what all I’m thankful for this Thanksgiving, but I think you guys know me well enough by now to know I don’t really do sappy.
But, I thought I’d list a few things anyway in the spirit of the season…
I’m thankful for the return of “24” even if Tony is completely creepy. That will just make it more fun when Jack beats the crap out of him…
I’m thankful for YouTube, without which I would never be able to keep up with everything…
I’m thankful for all of the publicists who have been so good to answer my questions and provide me pictures to make these blogs better…
I’m thankful for Jeramey and the IT department at the H-D for taking such good care of me…
I’m thankful for Andrea, my editor, who allows me to do this…
I’m thankful for my friends who make sure I don’t miss anything…
I’m thankful for my fiancé, who not only understood that Sunday date night had to be moved to Sunday date afternoon because of “24: Redemption,” he arranged it himself without me even mentioning it…
I’m thankful for my dad, who could teach Jack Bauer a thing or two about strength and toughness…
And last but not least, I’m thankful for all of you, my loyal readers. You are the ones that make this thing go and I truly appreciate all of you…
Okay, sorry, that last part was pretty sappy. I don’t know what came over me…
Feel free to let me know what you’re thankful for this Thanksgiving as well…
Have a great one and I’ll be back in a few days…