Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Are You Ready?

It’s hard to believe, but one week from tonight another season of “American Idol” begins…

You guys who have been on this journey with me these past three years know that I can’t stand the audition episodes because they make me a little uncomfortable. This year I’m a little more psyched for them because the great NPH—Neil Patrick Harris—will be sitting in as a guest judge. I’m hoping for the best even though he has to split his episode with Joe Jonas…

The show will begin with a two-hour episode showcasing the Boston auditions. Victoria Beckham will be the guest judge.

In the next several days I’ll be getting you ready for Season 9 with all of the latest news and the rundown of how things will work this year (Hollywood Week gets three episodes!).

Are you ready?

“American Idol” premieres Tuesday, January 12th at 8 p.m. on FOX…

Photo Credit: Michael Becker/FOX