“Idol” was represented in the Grammy Nominations announced last week, although probably not as much as it should’ve been…
Adam Lambert received a nod for Best Male Pop Vocal Performance for “Whataya Want From Me.” Two of Adam’s producers were nominated for Producer of the Year. Their nominated work included five Adam tracks: Greg Cavallo for “Music Again,” ”Soaked,” “Sure Fire Winners” and “Time for Miracles.” Dr. Luke was nominated for eight tracks including “For Your Entertainment.”
Carrie Underwood was nominated for Best Female Country Vocal Performance for “Temporary Home.”
Fantasia received two nods for “Bittersweet”: Best Female R&B Vocal Performance and Best R&B Song. Fantasia also got a Best R&B Album nom.
I don't know what Carrie or Fantasia's chances are, but I think it would be a total crock if Adam didn't win...
The Grammys are February 13th at 8 p.m. on CBS…