Friday, September 7, 2007

Seacrest Sounds Off On The Tour and the Auditions

This week, Ryan Seacrest did a conference call with reporters about the Emmys, and he weighed in on a few things “Idol”…

First, he responded to the “USA Today” story on the troubles with the “Idol” tour. Ryan said the tour should try smaller venues. Then he said, “I think, to be candid with you, we could have done a better job with the storytelling of the contestants—looking at who they are and where they came from and compiling compelling bio pieces, and I think you’ll see us do more of that this season.”

So I guess we’re all in agreement then…

As for the auditions, Ryan said the show is not losing its popularity, citing that more people showed up in Philadelphia than ever before. About the talent, he said, “We always see many more contestants that suck compared to those that are great. It’s part of the process. You only need to find one superstar and 12 great ones to fight for it. It’s not hard to find talent.”

I’m not so sure about that one…

If anyone else is hearing any news about the auditions (or event went to one), please pass it on by posting a comment or e-mailing me at…