Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Idol Concert: My Final Thoughts

First of all, let me say that the people behind the tour should be commended for this year’s format, as the lineup was jumbled instead of everyone coming out in the order they were voted off. I couldn’t help but think how good it would have been to have this year’s format with last year’s performers. And having the live band for the entire show was a good change as well.

Interestingly, AEG Live (the promoters of the show) sent out an e-mail survey asking if concertgoers preferred this year’s format. I said in my survey that I hoped they did stick with it since it kept things a little more interesting. And the stage was much improved with some special effects and a video screen that showed the Idols’ show performances as they performed on stage. It was a nice touch, especially during Jordin’s “This Is My Now”…

Kudos should also go to the concert sponsors, "Pop-Tarts" and "TV Guide." I know they're probably disappointed that the concert isn't getting as much buzz (or as many people), but their giveaways of magazines and Pop-Tarts are both great ideas...

All in all, it was a good concert. And believe it or not, I think it may have been better than last year’s—not because the performances were stronger (because I’m not sure that they were), but because it was a better overall show.

With the right performers, they could really be onto something here. So I hope they don’t change it back.

And not raising the ticket prices again would help…

So what were your thoughts on the concert? Feel free to share them by posting a comment or sending me an e-mail at

Be sure to send your concert pictures to for the online photo gallery…