Hair fashion has always been one of the most common and distinguished form of fashion aside from clothing. We have seen lots of our favorite celebrities in their different kinds of fashion trends when it comes to hair. Sure thing you did and followed some of these hair styles. Take a look on some of your favorite Hollywood celebrity hair-bots on their bobbed hair.

Katie Holmes has donned a dark banged bob for her role as the young and glamorous Mrs. Tom Cruise... :D

People might cry if Anne Hathaway ever chopped her impossibly gorgeous waves, though we're thoroughly enjoying her temporary turn as a bob girl in the secret-agent spoof Get Smart. The shiny, short cut spotlights her amazing body and puts her on par with the sexiest Bond girls (even with silly-man Steve Carell at her side).
Photos: Rex USA, Everett Collection

Kate Bosworth is basically the word blond come to life, and we love her that way. But all bets were off when we saw her in 21. With a chestnut crop, femme fatale eyeshadow and a snug black dress, she's the glammest casino queen we've seen since Sharon Stone.
Photos: Rex USA, Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.
Photos: Rex USA, Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.

Katie Holmes has donned a dark banged bob for her role as the young and glamorous Mrs. Tom Cruise... :D

People might cry if Anne Hathaway ever chopped her impossibly gorgeous waves, though we're thoroughly enjoying her temporary turn as a bob girl in the secret-agent spoof Get Smart. The shiny, short cut spotlights her amazing body and puts her on par with the sexiest Bond girls (even with silly-man Steve Carell at her side).
Photos: Rex USA, Everett Collection