Monday, August 31, 2009

An Introduction to My Idol Interviews

So while I was in my new house with no TV and no Internet service, with nothing else to do but continue to make myself dizzy going around in circles looking for stuff, I decided to sit down and transcribe the interviews from last week’s press hour during the Idols Live Tour stop in Columbus.

Then, I snuck away to an Internet connection so I could share them with you…

Let me explain how the whole thing worked. Before we started, we were told a whole list of no-nos: No autographs, no pictures, no asking the Idols to sing, no asking them to call friends or record voice mail messages. We could ask about Paula Abdul, but none of them had any inside information and the best we would get was “We love Paula and we’ll miss her” (In other words, don’t ask, we’re sick of hearing it.).

Each tour stop, they rotate what Idols go to press hour. The others are doing radio interviews, meet-and-greets, vocal lessons and all kinds of other stuff. For this press hour, we got Kris Allen, Danny Gokey, Matt Giraud, Megan Joy, Scott MacIntyre and Lil Rounds. The publicist would bring each Idol to us for a one-on-one interview and then when she thought you had enough time (five minutes or so), she’d give you a signal to wrap it up. Then you’d wait until another Idol was free to come to you.

The publicist actually forgot that I hadn’t spoken to Lil, so I didn’t talk to her. But that was okay, because that would’ve kept me from getting my very brief interview with Danny…

I’m posting these in the order that I spoke with them starting with Megan and ending with Danny…

And for just the highlights of my interviews, be sure to read my column in today’s “Herald-Dispatch”…