“About to go to sleep when I started seeing my blackberry blow up. I have read what u have read and I am shocked and saddened about paula. Idol and the cast have grown with each other over the last 8 seasons..I can't imagine the panel without paula. She's a star @ a great friend. Spoke to randy..hope to speak with paula privately overnight.”
He expanded his thoughts on his radio show this morning:
“I was shocked. I'm just bummed because we've worked together for so many years. I got on the phone to track down whoever I could before I went to sleep and I was told, ‘Yeah, it's sad but true. She's leaving.’ This week, Randy, Simon, Kara and I are in Denver at the end of the week so I'm sure I'll have more to tell you.”
Ryan also said that as far as he knows, this is “not a publicity stunt.”
Randy Jackson issued a statement to “Us Magazine” saying, “I am shocked. Paula is a dear friend and will be missed.”
Simon Cowell has not issued any statements as of yet. I can’t help but think he’s not doing some work behind the scenes here…
I also can't help but think that the fact Paula didn't call Ryan or Randy to tell them she was leaving before she tweeted lends some credence to the negotiating ploy theory...
Stay Tuned...
Photo Credit: FOX