9:42 We’re back…”Idol Gives Back” plug…Why don’t they ever ask Kiefer? He’s on the same network, for goodness sake…”IGB” video showing where money went in America…Paula at Boys and Girls Club…Ruben at a Boys and Girls Club…I know I give “IGB” a hard time, but it really did do a lot of good…Good song choice for the video. Anybody know what it was?…Tickets are on sale for “IGB” now…Exxon Mobil has given a major gift as well as News Corp. Ryan plugs for more corporations…
9:45 Syesha is all smiles…Ramiele comes out. Does that mean she’s safe since we only need one more person…Yes, she is…Now it’s Jason and Kristy Lee. This might be interesting…The screaming would suggest he’s safe…Ryan mentions Lee Greenwood’s comments…Kristy Lee is safe and she is shocked. I told you this would be interesting. There is widespread booing from the audience at the revelation Jason is in the bottom three…
9:48 Chikezie, Syesha and Jason. Did anyone predict that?...Jason said he knew he was going to be in the bottom three because of how late he came out. He said it would be “a big shocker”…Jason is safe…
9:48 Chikezie and Syesha…Syesha is still smiling. It’s surely Chikezie, right?...After the break…