9:28 We’re back….Oh lord, it’s time to take viewer calls…She asks why Simon spends so much money on cars and none on clothes. Simon says that it’s a rude question. Simon says it’s because “unlike other people on the show” he doesn’t have an ego. Ryan says he’s being rude to Paula, but of course, Simon meant Ryan. I think Ryan looks good, Simon…
9:30 This caller wants to know if Simon would consider filming a sequel to his kiss with Paula from season two and he says yes. Simon says she’s a very good kisser. Ryan says they’ve got time but Simon says it will take lots of preparation…
9:32 This caller wants to know from Ramiele what the last song she downloaded on her iPod was. She says R Kelly’s “I’m a Flirt”…The next caller wants to know from Michael Johns if the experience has been everything he thought it would be. He says it’s been more than he thought it would be but says he “apparently peaked in Hollywood” and then Ryan rats out the segment is on tape by saying “Good luck to Michael tonight” and we already know that Michael is safe…
9:34 Ryan takes another crack about Kellie’s boob job by saying she’s “grown in so many ways since leaving us”…Kellie intro video recapping what she’s been up to…
9:35 Kellie emerges to do “Red High Heels”…Still don’t know why she’s doing this one and not her new single. Maybe because it was her first hit?...I think that actually looks like the judges in their place, so this may actually be live…
9:37 Kellie comes over to sing to Simon. He looks very uncomfortable, but tries to keep smiling for the camera…So, it’s obviously live…
9:39 Kellie high-fives the contestants…Ryan comments that Randy was checking her out. Randy laughs uncomfortably…
9:40 After the break…