So maybe we don’t agree about each of the performances or even who should go home, but I think we can all agree on one thing. “Idol” should never do the same theme two weeks in a row again…
The contestants worked so hard to choose the perfect song in week one that any song they chose this week was going to be mediocre. The only two contestants that made better choices this week were Syesha and David A. Kristy Lee and Michael could also fall into that category, but it didn’t help them…
So, who is going home tomorrow? I want to say Kristy Lee Cook, but I tried that one last week. Tom from Sarasota told me that the key to Kristy Lee is that she’s “bea-u-ti-ful” and she did look good tonight. But I’ve got to believe she’ll at least make the bottom three. I think she’ll be joined by Amanda and Ramiele. I would have said Michael, but I think Ryan got him enough sympathy votes to stick around.
And if it comes down to Amanda, Ramiele and Kristy Lee, I’ve got to believe Kristy Lee will go.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to try and insure that happens by voting for Syesha several times.
Hey, she made me look smart. How can I not vote for her?
Oh, there are two other things I think we can agree on. One, the audience is completely annoying this year. And two, these two-hour shows are getting REALLY annoying. Thankfully, next week is only 90 minutes and then, we go back to an hour.
I never thought I’d be so happy to see “Hell’s Kitchen”…
Be sure to let me know what you think about tonight’s show by posting your comments…