Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Final Thoughts on Last Night's Show...

So here are some final thoughts on last night’s dramafest--and I mean that as a compliment…

“My Grammy Moment” winner Robyn Troup was cut from “Idol” after her group performance. I missed her because I was too busy trying to figure out what was wrong with Sundance Head, who was in Robyn’s group. I guess Justin Timberlake proved easier to sing with…

The quartet that gave the great performance of “How Deep Is Your Love” was Chris Sligh, Rudy Cardenas, Thomas Lowe and Blake Lewis. They’ve been getting a lot of kudos on the Internet today. You can hear the performance for yourself at

So how did “My Ones to Watch” do? At the end of the episode we saw Chris, Jimmy and Paul survive but I have no idea about Jenry or Brandon. Sean was eliminated.
Don’t forget that tonight’s episode—which will announce the top 24—airs at 9 p.m. on FOX…