Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Carly Goes "All Night" and Kristy Lee Takes Journey Country

Carly Smithson, “Drove All Night”: 19
Who ever would have thought that I would give Carly a score that high? But I love that song and you have to give her props for hitting that money note toward the end. It started out rough, but she hit all of the notes that count. And I liked her makeup. And Simon, you and I are totally out of sync tonight. That IS a great song and yes, Celine Dion did it, but so did Cyndi Lauper and Carly was a nice cross between the two…

Kristy Lee Cook, “Faithfully”: 17
That makes a great country song, doesn’t it? It was a good performance but she missed all of the money notes.

Man, Simon is harsh tonight!...