Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I Always Go for the Bad Boys, Don't I?

This morning, the Associated Press is reporting that David Hernandez was a stripper at a club in Phoenix.

According to the club’s manager, David worked at Dick’s Cabaret for three years until the end of September 2007. The manager told the AP that he appeared fully nude and performed lap dances for the club’s “mostly male” clientele.

I always go for the bad boys, don’t I?...

Rumors about David stripping first surfaced on VoteForTheWorst.com, along with photos of him working as a bartender at a gay nightclub. The website tried to confirm the story with the club manager, but they said they had to check with their lawyers. Apparently, their lawyers said it was okay since they have now gone to the AP with the story.

The manager said David didn’t renew his license with the state, so he was removed from the club’s roster. He now believes that David quit because of his participation on “Idol.” David originally auditioned for the show July 30, 2007.

So now the show is in a bit of a situation. In 2003, Frenchie Davis was disqualified from the competition because of an appearance on an adult website, and her fans are already screaming on the message boards for David’s removal. But you’ll recall that last year, Antonella Barba was allowed to stay in the competition even after racy photos of her appeared on the Internet. Of course, it was determined that those were private photos that were never meant to be publicly displayed, but the Frenchie fans were screaming then too.

And they may have a point this time. Unlike Antonella’s situation, both Frenchie and David knew what they were doing and were paid for it. Of course, the show could argue that Frenchie did not disclose her situation and David probably did.

But think about it. If David gives another performance like he did last week, he’ll make the top 12. That would mean the biggest family show on TV would have a male finalist who gave nude lap dances to other men.


If David did disclose this information to the show—and I would hope he’d be smart enough to do so—then the show has obviously already decided that it doesn’t have a problem with it, or he would not have made the top 24. They’ll probably leave it up to America to decide if they have a problem with it.

But if he did not disclose the information, he should be gone. Period.

And then I’ll just have to find some other bad boy to root for. Think maybe David Archuleta’s got some sordid secrets in his past?
