So tonight begins the performances of the top 12 and those (sometimes) dreaded theme nights.
This week's theme is, of course, songs from the Diana Ross and the Supremes songbook. We'll see Diana Ross mentoring the contestants and she'll perform a song from her new CD on Wednesday's show.
Normally I try to make some kind of guess about who will sing what, but with the guys, I honestly have no idea. However, I think after all the tough weeks the women have had thrown at them in seasons past that it's about time the guys have a tough call to make. Sanjaya's choice should be especially interesting. Why am I feeling something like "Why Do Fools Fall In Love?"
Be sure to come back tonight for the recap as I try something a little different. As of 7 p.m. yesterday, I am now fully wireless, so I am going to attempt to blog the show as it happens. You can let me know what you think or if you like it better the old way.
Remember that "Idol" is two hours tonight ("House" fans, I feel your pain.) begining at 8 on FOX...