9:10 Ford commercial: “Another Saturday Night”…The Idols are at the Laundromat…That was a little cheesy…
9:11 Brad Garrett is sitting with the contestants tonight. We don’t have time for this promo stuff…
9:12 Lights down…Ryan sends Brad away…Blake shows him some love…Ryan asks “How are we going to fit this show in?”…
9:12 Phil, Melinda and Blake stand…Not the bottom three…Phil is understandably ecstatic…This is going to be interesting…
9:13 Chris Sligh, LaKisha, Jordin stand…Not the bottom three…
9:13 Sanjaya, Haley, Gina stand…NOT the bottom three…Holy crap…Chris R. is in the bottom ?
9:14 Chris Richardson and Stephanie are in the bottom two?!...What the?! Lots of boos…
9:15 Break
Now you know I'm not a Chris R. fan, so I wouldn't be unhappy to see him go; but I'm pretty shocked. Guess people don't like the ballads. Stephanie is not a shock...
And by the way, Ryan had the contestants stand up from different places to trick us...