So we finally have our Top 24. For the most part I think it’s a pretty good group although I think there were some mistakes made…
I think Thaddeus Johnson probably deserved to be in the Top 24 more than Tim Urban or Aaron Kelly…
And I still can’t believe the judges didn’t let Angela Martin through. Did they fear she would turn into another Lil Rounds and not live up to her early potential? I think the girls are strong this year, but there was a place for her—maybe in place of Katelyn Epperly.
It’s at this point that I feel I should make a little confession. Remember how I told you that reports were that one contestant was kicked out of the Top 24 because his father told his local newspaper? If you haven’t already Googled it to find out, I will now tell you the contestant in question is Michael “Big Mike” Lynche. “Big Mike” has been such a huge part of the early episodes that I can’t imagine the show going on without him, but rules are rules. However, when FOX sent out its press release detailing the seven contestants that were announced last night Michael was on it. So maybe the reports are false or the show decided to keep him in. I’ll be able to tell you for sure once I receive the final press release early tomorrow morning…
And tomorrow I’ll have even more stuff to tell you about the contestants as Simon Cowell is scheduled to do a conference call with reporters…
For now, I’ll remind you that beginning next week the show goes three nights. The Top 12 girls will sing Tuesday night, the Top 12 guys will sing Wednesday night, and then Thursday we’ll get the results. The lowest two votegetters for both the guys and girls (four total) will be eliminated…