Lilly Scott…That Ella Fitzgerald song…She had troubles with the band during rehearsal…“Rich Girl”…I thought it was ok, not great. I just like that people ripped out Hall and Oates songs…I think she should make it, but who knows now…Kara’s smiling too much for it to be bad news…She’s in…Kara really sucks at these fakeouts…
Paige Miles is in…Who?...Simon says she’s better than she even knows. So why haven’t we heard her?...
Siobhan Magnus is in…
Michelle Delamor is in…
Jermaine Sellers is in…Guess throwing the band under the bus didn’t hurt him…
John Park is in…
One girl and two guys to go. One of those guys had better be Andrew Garcia. And I have to believe the girl is Haeley Vaughn…
We’ll find out. After the break…