Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hollywood Round 3: Inside Room #2

Now to Room 2…

Charity Vance who did a somewhat weak version of “Defying Gravity”
Tasha Layton, whose final song we didn’t see…
An overconfident Mary Powers who told Ryan her song “Hot ‘N Cold” was “cake,” but I thought her performance was blah. Simon told Ellen he thought she was “interesting because she’s older…
Lloyd Thomas, whose version of “Man In the Mirror” was not as good as Thaddeus. Simon said “I just like him”…
Brian Walker, the singing police officer, finally surfaced but we didn’t hear his final song. However, he thought Simon liked it, but I’m not so sure…
Tisha Holland and Jermaine Purifoy…
Hope Johnson, who did a shouting rendition of “Home” that Kara clearly didn’t like…

I think Room 2 is going home…