Tonight we learn the identity of the 7 remaining guys and 10 remaining girls that will make up our Top 24…
Let’s get crackin’…
37 contestants are still waiting…
Janell Wheeler…”House of the Rising Sun”…“American Boy”…“Love Story”…Did Ryan just say “chagrined”? Sorry I’ve never heard him use that word…I think she’s in…She’s in…Ellen’s good at this fakeout stuff…
Tyler Grady…My guy…“Let’s Get It On”…“Home”…I’m really not sure since those were the first notes we heard from him since his audition. I’d like to hear more but I don’t know if the judges agree…He’s in…Yea!...I’m looking forward to actually hearing him…
That tease had better be faking us out about Crystal Bowersox or you’ll hear me—and Slezak—screaming in your homes…
Six guys and Nine girls to go. More after the break…