8:10 We’re back…Ryan says it was a “very raw” show last night…Recap…Wow, Jackie sounds even worse on tape…
8:14…Ryan turns to chat to the group…He asks Jackie how she would grade herself. She gives herself an A+/B-. Wow, talk about deluded…Ryan makes Anoop admit that he’s the most nervous he’s ever been…Tatiana says she’s humbled to be here and she’s wearing Paula’s ring. Poor Danny has to sit next to her…Ryan asks Stevie how she’s holding up. She say’s she’s “good”…
8:16 WOO-HOO! The urinal chairs! I knew it. And there are, of course, only three of them…Lights dim…Casey joins Ryan at center of stage…WOW! We are seriously going to drag this out…What is that weird new music? It sounds like “Deal or No Deal”…Randy says she should go…Not in Top 12…
8:18 Stephen comes down…Kara says he should go…Not in Top 12…
8:19 Alexis…LOTS of cheers…YEA! She’s in the top 12…Is our long Tatiana nightmare over? Remember there’s still a Wild Card. And another spot, but SURELY that’s going to a guy...And now Alexis is going to sing. Stupid Writers’ Strike that kept FOX from making any new comedies to air after Idol so we could have a half-hour results show…I’m actually feeling her performance tonight. Maybe it’s because her outfit is super cute and not just her trying to be a sex kitten…Break…