Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time this season, HERE WE GO!...

8:00 Dramatic Intro. Ryan says, “Take nothing for granted”…Credits roll…

8:01 Ryan says 24 million votes last night—10 million more than this time last year…Ryan re-explains the rules…Judges intro…

8:02 Randy says some people stepped up and some “lost their spot”…Kara says Stevie, Casey, and Stephen disappointed her…Ryan cracks another inappropriate joke about Simon disappointing Paula after the show. He really needs to cool that…

8:03 Look at Group #1’s “Idol journey”…

8:04 Group Song: “I’m Yours”…Michael, Brent and Anoop start…Danny, Stephen and Ricky…Girls join…Wow, as if I didn’t hate this song enough…Tatiana, Casey and Ann Marie fight for camera time…Jackie acts ridiculous and tries to overshadow Stevie and Alexis…I think Jason Mraz is crying right now…Tatiana looks upset that she’s not getting more camera time...Did Jackie choreograph that number? YIKES!...The audio is still a little bit funky…Break…