It was really a tale of two shows tonight, wasn’t it? That first half was absolutely atrocious. But the second half showed some real promise.
So who’s moving on to the Top 12? Wow, that’s a bit of a tough one, but I’ll give it a shot…
Guessing that more people will love Adam than hated him, I think he’ll be the top guy. And Allison should be the top girl since she gave the best performance, but Megan could give her a run for her money since Simon lobbied for her.
That makes that third spot the tough one to call. I think it’s between Megan/Allison (whichever one is not the top girl), Matt Breitzke and Kris Allen. Matt still has that familiarity and likeability working for him and I think Kris came off really well tonight.
But the wild card here is absolutely Nick Mitchell. If the people who want to mess with “Idol” really wanted to mess with “Idol,” Nick would be the way to do it. I’m hoping that the solid performances in the second half of the show wiped the memory of Nick’s away.
I say, let’s send Nick home and then bring him back as the opening act for the “Idol” tour, because he is funny and he does have a voice.
So what do you guys think? Who do you think is moving on to the Top 12?