Wednesday, May 26, 2010

FINALLY the Finale: And Our Next American Idol Is...

10:00 We’re back…LET’S DO THIS!...Lee and Crystal stand on stage with Ryan…Edward Boddington of Telescope brings out the “envelope”…He didn’t tell how many votes…Hmmm…

10:01 Lights down…I’m starting to feel some nerves…Lee breaks down. I don’t think he’s going to make it. What if he wins?...The winner is…Lee DeWyze…He practically falls down…He walks over to Ryan and Ryan has to practically catch him…Cut away to his hometown. Bad timing there…Crystal smiles and claps. The other Idols come over and hug him…Guys, Ryan needs to get to him…“Oh my god” he says…Ryan asks him how it feels and he says “I don’t know”…He just keeps saying thank you…He tells Crystal he loves her and gives her a hug…He says he’s never been happier in his life…The music actually cuts him off before he can say much else so he can sing…The pyrotechnics start. I hate when they don’t salute the runner-up. I think she deserved that much…This is already better than last night…The judges are standing. I wanted to see Simon’s “I told you so” smirk…The confetti falls…Stop cutting to his hometown! We want to see him…How can he see with all that confetti?...He goes off the stage…The song seems so appropriate now…To the mini-stage where the guys join him…And he’s cut off. You’d already gone over six minutes, what was a few more so we could see the end? That was a little anti-climactic, no?...

Final thoughts in a moment…