9:09 We’re back…Next week’s theme is songs from the movies with mentor Jamie Foxx. The hot rumor is that FOX wants him to replace Simon…Ford Music Video… “1,2,3,4”…Lee is trying to get to Crystal but the other Idols are stopping him…But it’s actually the car he’s walking toward. That was actually good…Video of how Tuesdays have changed for the Idols…The Stand-In Judges might be better than the real ones. That Randy guy is funny…Ryan tells Randy he better watch his back…
9:14 Ryan asks Big Mike how he’s feeling. He says you never know…Ryan asks Crystal about being the only girl. She says she feels like one of the guys…He asks Casey how he feels. He says it’s not up to him…Lights down…The audience awwws…Ryan says, “You act like there’s a twist here. We always do the results”…
9:16 Ryan brings Lee to the center of the stage. LOTS of cheers…Man they are SERIOUSLY stalling…LOTS more cheers…He is safe…Break…