Wednesday, May 26, 2010

FINALLY the Finale: Christina Brings Us Down

8:34 We’re back…Lacey comes out to start “Beautiful.” Yes, Christina Aguilera is here…Didi comes out to help…Katie. And Paige…Siobhan, who apparently was dressed by someone tonight because she looks good…Crystal…The girls move toward the mini-stage…Crystal should have seriously considered performing that one…Siobhan starts “Fighter”...If she showed that much spunk sooner she would have lasted longer…Katie…Paige. Still not impressed…Katie intros Christina and I think she pronounced her name wrong…Christina wails over the girls singing as her dancers get into place…She just scrapped her entire summer tour…Everyone leaves and it’s just Christina at the microphone. This is a ballad, I thought she was doing her new song tonight. I don’t know this one…Kind of depressing for the finale, though…Even the swaybots are confused…

8:42 Ryan in the audience intros Ricky Gervais “live via satellite” to say farewell to Simon…He says Simon could fall back on his old career as a lap dancer…Break…

It’s a bummer that we didn’t see the rest of Dane Cook’s song because I wanted to see what Nick Mitchell and the “brother” guy were going to do. Maybe someone will put it on the Internet or something…