Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Top 5 Results Show: Trying to Pretend Last Night Never Happened

So because we’re being treated to some Lady Gaga tonight, I’m going to pretend like last night never happened…You know, until they remind me…

Here we go…

8:59 Video recap…HIGHLY dramatic…Man, Harry Connick Jr. is getting on my nerves…THIS with some teasing from someone. Leave Ryan alone…

9:01 Ryan comes out on stage…Over 32 million votes…Ryan goes out to the judges table to introduce the judges…Oh lord, that means group number…Tour plug…They’re, of course, doing a Sinatra medley…The guys start it out doing “The Lady’s a Tramp” since there’s only one girl now…Crystal comes out from the back looking awesome…And she’s singing…Aaron starts out the next song. And I think he might actually be singing…But Casey is not and he’s doing a good job of showing us that he isn’t. I think he’s actually mocking it…This would actually be good if they turned the Auto-Tune down a little…It’s a little crazy that there’s only one girl left, isn’t it?...Break…