Wednesday, May 26, 2010

FINALLY the Finale: The Bee Gees

8:11 We’re back…Sound screw-up. They cut Ryan off at the beginning…He intros Kris to do “The Truth”…Sound screw-up #2, Ryan’s mic was still live and we heard him say, “Was it open” over top of Kris’ song…By the way, there’s some controversy over this song among Kris fans. 19/Jive has released a version featuring Pat Monahan from Train to try and up radio/sales (Monahan co-wrote it.). The Kris fans are upset because they didn’t let it go with just Kris or that they didn’t release one of the many songs Kris co-wrote…I’m wondering if they’ll follow tradition and have Lee and Crystal present Kris with a platinum award for “Live Like We’re Dying.” I hope so. You know I love him…I think they cut this song. Why? So we can see more lip synching from the Top 12?...Great, as always…

8:15 Nick Cannon and Kimberly Caldwell in the house…No award. What?...Ryan stands behind the judges and intros first Simon tribute as Simon gives him a mint…Paula appears in video. I thought there would be more of a reaction from the crowd…Clips of his audition zingers with judges (and Paula) giving opinions…Most of the moments are from past seasons…I’m surprised how much his hair has changed over the years…They act like they’re happy about him leaving at the end…

8:18 Ryan intros Siobhan Magnus and Aaron Kelly…She begins “How Deep Is Your Love” and they’re actually singing. Here’s where The Bee Gees come in…This is actually pretty good. They harmonize well…The Bee Gees (Barry and Robin Gibb) come out with no introduction and the crowd screams. I’m guessing someone told them to because they’re probably too young to know who they are…Sorry I can’t watch Barry without thinking of Jimmy Fallon. “Talkin’ it up…”…Robin is a little shaky…I don’t hear Aaron at all but Siobhan’s handling the high part nicely…Jordin and Matt are singing along in the audience…That went on a touch too long…I hope the Hall and Oates song goes better…WOO-HOO! Hasselhoff in the audience! Wonder if he’ll cry?...Break…