Friday, May 25, 2007

It's Not Over...

When Samuel Gerard (Tommy Lee Jones) finally catches his man (Harrison Ford) in “The Fugitive,” he tells him it’s over.

And then, while wiping the sweat off his brow, he adds, “You know, I’m glad. I need the rest.”

That is exactly how I feel about the end of this season of “American Idol”…

Thanks to everyone who’s been on the ride with me this season. It's been fun. I especially want to thank everyone who has commented on the blog—especially Derek and Jim, Sanjaya’s #1 fan, whose weekly arguments made for some fairly entertaining reading…

But as Daughtry sings, “It’s not over”…

I’ll still be here keeping you up-to-date on TV appearances, chart news, release dates, tour information and MUCH more, so I hope you’ll keep checking back…

As I head out for the Memorial Day holiday, I leave you with this thought from “People”…

“Years from now, no one will understand how there could have been a national obsession with Sanjaya—or Paula tripping over her dog and breaking her nose. But we do. We lived through it. And maybe it all made us stronger.”