So who’s going to win? There is no doubt in my mind that it will be Jordin.
We knew going in that Blake would have his work cut out for him—especially with the songwriting competition winner. In retrospect, since he was doing a ballad, he maybe should have gone with another song in the second round (even though I really liked it).
The good news is that Blake will make a great record. And I will be screaming my head off for him in row 20 on September 15th, so he’d better do “You Give Love a Bad Name”…
Feel free to share your thoughts now as I go vote for Blake.
Hey, I know he’s not going to win, but I can at least make it close…
Remember that the two-hour finale extravaganza begins tomorrow night at 8 on FOX, and I will be here blogging it live, so join me then…