On getting through: “When I made it through I was really, really shocked, because this group two that we have was just really, really good and a lot of talented people. I felt like anybody had a shot, so I felt really, really lucky to actually make it through with all those other people… I was really, really surprised, because I thought Megan did a great job and I think Megan is a lovely person and I think she can go far in the music industry. And I feel really, really lucky that I got as many votes as I did. But yes, I was really, really shocked.”
On not getting much attention in the early rounds: “I think that went through my head maybe a little bit, but in the back I was just trying to stay grounded and be like hopefully that doesn’t matter--it doesn’t matter so much and I can go out there and do my thing this week on live TV and more people are watching that then even the Hollywood stuff. I think that I showed myself this past week and I think people liked it… I love like being the guy that’s kind of in the background. I wasn’t like looking for the cameras and trying to put my face in there. I’m totally, totally cool with that, so, yes, I didn’t have any problems with it…I do think how much time you get on TV it probably helps out a lot. But in the end I think it’s how good you do on that live show, obviously, because I didn’t hardly get any TV time and I’m here. And I probably have a lot of good friends.”
On Simon saying, “I think the chicks will really dig you.”: “You know it probably helped. I’m not going to lie.”
On Nick/Norman: “He’s not mocking the show; he’s doing what he knows how to do, and that’s entertain and he’s really, really good at it. And no one shows anything towards him; we all love him to death.”
On his strategy: “My strategy has been the same this whole time is that I’m going to do what I know how to do, and that’s take songs and make them my own and be myself, and that’s all that I think any of us can do.”
On singing a Michael Jackson song, which Paula had criticized Stephen Fowler for doing the week before: “You know it was a little scary, but you know I was really confident in what I was doing. I was just really, really happy that I didn’t get any comparisons to him, because that’s exactly what I wanted. I didn’t want anybody to compare me to Michael Jackson, so I’m glad that I accomplished that…But you know when Paula said that I think at first impression I was probably a little bit, ‘Oh no, I’m singing … of course and hopefully I don’t get compared.’ But you know right after that I was like, ‘You know what, I’m not doing it how he does it and if they don’t like it then that’s fine.’ I did it how I wanted to do it.”
On all the hoops you have to jump through: “And now like making it through, you know when you get through this whole thing like at first you’re just like, ‘I want to go to Hollywood,’ and then you get to Hollywood and you’re like, ‘I want to make it through each round.’ And so every other step it’s just another big hurdle, and this was a huge one, like 36 to 12, that’s a big, big cutoff. I cannot tell you how excited I am.”
By the way, Kris is also a Worship Leader in his church like Michael Sarver and Danny Gokey.
Photo Credit: Michael Becker/FOX