9:37 We’re back…Anna Torv from “Fringe” in the house…Lights down…Didi stands…Hmmm…Ryan asks if she’d go back to the guitar if she stays. She says she’s not completely comfortable with it…She’s in the bottom three…She gives Crystal a hug and then walks over to her urinal stool…Big Mike…Ryan says “this is surprising” and asks him to walk over toward him…It’s a fakeout. He’s safe…The Idols say “Pick him up and throw him” so Mike obliges and picks him up like he will throw him. Ryan laughed, but that looked like it hurt…Crystal…safe…Tim and Andrew stand…Ryan points out that Tim is already smiling…Ryan asks Kara about his constant smiling. She says she doesn’t know what to make of it. He says he has to smile because it could be his last time on the stage…Andrew…safe…Tim in the bottom three. But will it matter?...
9:43 Ryan brings Katie and Didi to join Tim at center stage as the bottom three…The one who is safe is…Katie…again…So it’s down to Didi and Tim. I know it’s Didi, even though it shouldn’t be…We know that the judges would NEVER save Tim, but would they save Didi? Hmmm…Break…