Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Top 12 Results Show: David Cook Represents for the Stones

The weekly tickdown of the Top 12 begins tonight. Let’s do this…

8:59 Dramatic video intro showing audition and Hollywood moments and set to “Dream, Dream, Dream”…Alrighty then…How many times do we have to see Kara crying at Big Mike?...Where was the THIS? Did someone forget?...

9:02 Ryan comes from the back of the audience…St. Patrick’s Day lighting. Whatever…Ryan intros the judges…Simon asks Ryan about his aggressive behavior last night. Simon asks Ryan if he wants his job because it felt like an audition…Ryan asks him about the Judges’ Save. Did anyone know they were doing that this year? Maybe I’m just seriously behind…

9:05 Ryan introduces David Cook who is representing for the Rolling Stones tonight doing “Jumpin’ Jack Flash.” Does this mean no group number? Please, please, please…He is awesome, of course…Man, this guy needs a new radio-friendly single…Ryan asks about second album and David says he’s really excited about it…Ryan says he’s going to Africa for Idol Gives Back. He is such a sweetie…We’re going bottom three…After the break…