Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Top 12 Results Show: "Blah Blah Blah"

9:47 We’re back…Ryan introduces Ke$ha to do “Blah Blah Blah”…She’s on tape…She’s singing in front of a bunch of people with TVs on their heads…Sorry. I just don’t get this song. Loved “Tik Tok” but…3OH!3 is there with her...After they’re done with their part, she comes out in an Indian headdress and war paint. Huh? I can hear the complaints now…Ryan, Paige and Lacey act like they’re looking at Ke$ha as Ryan thanks her for coming (Of course she’s not there)…Ryan says that Paige and Lacey are roommates. The two guys and two girls eliminated last week were roommates. Only one of these is going home, but still…Break…