Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Top 11 Results Show: Miley Takes the Stage
9:24 We’re back…iTunes plug…Ryan announces the theme is R&B soul with guest mentor Usher…Ryan introduces Miley Cyrus to sing “When I Look at You,” which she is doing at the piano…Wow, what a tough song to sing live. They couldn’t have lowered the key for her?...Miley gets up from the piano. Um, what was even the point?...Okay what was with the headbanging?...I was about to write that this is what Simon meant by having a moment and then the headbanging started…And why didn’t she pause after that last note instead of just saying “thank you.” She kind of cut herself off…Billy Ray in the audience…Miley says that was her first standing ovation…Ryan asks how the Idols did last night. She says she loved the knee slide…She says that the judges are just offering tough love. She says she couldn’t handle it...Was it just me or did she come off pretty mature there?...Break…