Those of you who are longtime readers of my blogs know my mom. She’s the one who calls to remind me when Clay Aiken is going to be on TV. She called to congratulate me when Kiefer won his Emmy and she always tries to plan her phone calls around my TV watching—which after January can be kind of tricky. She never reads my blog, but then she doesn’t have to. If she wants to know what’s going on with her favorite shows she can just call and ask me or wait until I come home for a visit so we can talk about it around the dinner table.
If only real life tied up as neatly as those procedural crime dramas she loves so much…
As I type this, my mother remains critically ill in the hospital, where she’s been for the past two and a half weeks. I have to tell you I feel a little silly blogging right now since anything I could write about seems so unimportant. But I know she would want me to keep writing; and so I will—however sporadic my posts may be for a while.
And don’t be surprised if I throw in a few tidbits on those CBS crime dramas I never watch. I know my mom would appreciate it…