This month’s “New York” magazine has an interesting interview with Clay Aiken. But I’m not sure it will make too many Claymates happy…
It’s called “The Happy Hickster” and the opening sentence reads, “Clay Aiken sounds like Tootsie, looks like Opie, and hates to go out after dark. How will he ever survive New York?”
Tootsie? Opie? Yikes…
But the magazine doesn’t stop there. When it quotes Clay, it spells the words the way he says them, as in “Oh, ahm not even talkin’ about today.”
But if you can get past that (and it’s a little hard), there are actually some interesting insights which lead me to believe even more strongly that Clay could be my best friend…if he would just call me…
Clay said he gained 30 pounds while taking Paxil for anxiety, but lost it when he stopped taking it…
He’s pretty lonely in New York, but he doesn’t have any interest in dating right now…
Clay hopes that “Spamalot” will expand his fan base…
At the end of the article, the writer declares Clay “promosexual,” meaning he’s “married to his brand…his celebrity, self-promotion.”
You can read the entire article here…