First of all, let me make the prediction that David Archuleta will do “Imagine” tomorrow night. When I spoke to Michael Slezak last week, we discussed that Tim and Aaron would probably vie for the rights to sing that one but they both should avoid it because Archie had nailed it. I wonder if the show took it off the list so he could do it…
Hey, if it means no group number I’m all for it…
Since this is the Top 9, it’s possible that Ryan will do his patented three groups of three trick tomorrow night during the results show. I hope so because it’s my favorite of his stall tactics…
So then who will make up the bottom three? It’s a tough call tonight, but I’m going with Tim, Andrew and Katie. Katie was good tonight, but her appearance in the bottom three two weeks in a row doesn’t bode well for her. There is a possibility that Siobhan could get that third spot as well.
And who’s going home? You know I want to say Tim, but considering his track record and the fact that he was actually good tonight I don’t think it will happen. I think maybe Andrew’s time is finally up. But like I said, it’s a toss-up…
What do you guys think? Who do you think is going home? And do you agree that unusual instrument time should be over?