I haven’t been excited about a results show all season long, but I have to admit I’m counting down the hours until tonight’s as we have a whole host of things to look forward to…
First, there’s Adam Lambert performing the awesome “Whataya Want From Me.” Then there’s a double elimination. And then there’s the matte r of one Ryan Seacrest…
As strange as he was on camera last night, apparently it was even stranger off camera as EW.com’s Adam B. Vary reports today. Even the Idols themselves were worried about Ryan. According to Vary, Katie Stevens told reporters after the show, “I asked him, after dress rehearsal, ‘Ryan, what is up with you?’ And he goes, ‘You know, I’m really, really tired right now, so I’m trying to fool myself into thinking that I’m awake.’ [He was] over-caffeinated.”
Although some outlets are saying that Ryan appeared drunk, I think that the “over-caffeinated” theory makes complete sense. I thought he looked like someone too hyped up on cold medication, so it could easily have been some kind of caffeine product. Or he could have been so sleep deprived he was just acting goofy. It happens.
The question is how will the show handle it? Will Simon just make some brief comment and let it go at that or will Ryan have to actually say something in his own defense?
Personally I wouldn’t mind another night of Seacrest weirdness. Granted, the dancing during Tim’s song was rude. The tongue comment in front of Adam’s mother (and Ryan’s mother) was crude and the Brian Dunkleman joke was just downright cruel. But I loved it.
It was the first week I didn’t miss Paula Abdul. Maybe that’s because her spirit had inhabited Ryan’s body…