Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Top 9 Results Show: Jason Derulo Gets "In My Head"
9:21 We’re back…iTunes plug…Ryan says Adam Lambert will be the mentor next week. Katie’s jaw drops. Doesn’t she read or my blog? And what’s the theme, Ryan?...Ryan introduces Jason Derulo, who Kara actually signed…He’s doing both “Watcha Say” and “In My Head”…I really like “Head.” That’s a good song. I actually just downloaded it an hour ago…He’s having some earpiece problems so he takes it out…Okay what was up with the weird black and white slow-mo effects? Was that so we didn’t have to endure any more strobe lights?...That was a pretty good performance…Kara gives him a standing ovation…Kara says he only had four days to get it together and she’s so proud of him…Simon says it was great…You didn’t plug the album, Ryan…Break…