9:44 We’re back…Ryan introduces Shakira and Rascal Flatts doing “Gypsy”…Shakira is playing the harmonica…Rascal Flatts is providing the music and Gary is nowhere to be found…The dancers come out…Shakira starts to dance with them. Isn’t that what we all want to see anyway?...She heads out into the audience where Gary joins her. He’s struggling with his earpiece again…They go to the mini-stage together…They actually harmonize well together…She plays the harmonica to end it…Okay I’m not really sure what the point there was. But it was different…Maybe they should think about doing mash-ups like that more often…
9:48 Lights down…Mike, Casey and Siobhan…Mike says there’s no shame in the bottom three since everyone had a good night…Mike is safe. HOLY COW! Kara looks pretty upset. He gives Casey and Siobhan a hug…PLEASE! Siobhan. PLEASE!...Break…
It’s important to note that Ryan has not yet said that Casey and Siobhan are in the bottom two. For all we know, Mike was the next-to-last vote-getter. Just thought I’d point that out…