Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Top 9 Results Show: Lots of Drama and Excitement

9:55 We’re back…Lights down… Big Mike and Andrew…Ryan says a season total of over 132 million votes…The person safe is Andrew…HOLY COW!!!...Crystal is in tears…Big Mike is singing “This Woman’s Work,” the song that made Kara cry…His wife is in tears…I honestly have no idea what the judges will do…It looks like Kara really wants to save him. But can she convince Simon?…Did his cockiness finally undo him?...It’s a great performance, of course…Alright. Now what?...

9:58 Big Mike stands there nodding his head. But you can tell he’s shook…Kara looks sick…Simon says they all wish he had done something like that song this week…He tells him that they only have one save and the decision was unanimous…They’re going to see him next week. Big Mike is saved…Kara jumps up and hugs Simon and then starts whooping and hollering. I’m guessing Simon was on the fence and the others convinced him…The Idols come over to hug him…His wife is ecstatic…So there are no more saves and two people will go home next week…

10:00 And we’re out…

Final thoughts in a moment…