Ryan reminds us of the contest to design a Coke cup for the judges. What I want to know is when someone is going to sell the red cup that they’re using. I’ve wanted one of those for years…
And why aren’t we telling the song titles tonight? Is that so we’ll go to the website later and look them up?
Tim Halperin, “Streetcorner Symphony”: 10
I love that song, but Tim is just not a Rob Thomas kind of guy. That was TOTALLY the wrong choice. It didn’t do anything to show off his voice.
See what I meant by uh-oh? When they give the contestants carte blanche they are much more likely to go astray…
Brett Loewenstern, “Light My Fire”: 11In a word—CHEESY! I don’t know what JLo and Steven were listening to because there was no street in that performance whatsoever and that song needs street. And remember, Brett has been one of my favorites all along. So that was pretty painful…