Thursday, March 3, 2011

Top 24 Results Show: Things Get Very Interesting...

8:50 We’re back…Lights down…Kendra, Ashton, and Karen center stage…Ashthon…not in Top 10. Interesting…I know the judges are thinking about her. In fact, Randy and JLo are already talking…Either Karen or Kendra is in…It’s Karen. I got that one right…

8:53 Lights down…Tim, Casey and Jacob…Steven says he should’ve done Jason Mraz or John Mayer…Jacob is in Top 10. No surprise there. I’m sure Casey did too…Karen gives Jacob a big hug…One in, one out…Casey is in. No big shock there…NO way the judges use a wild card on him with the girls that are getting eliminated…

8:56 Thia, Naima and Lauren. This one will be interesting…Only one of them is in. I think it’s Thia…Naima is out. WOW! The judges have a tough, tough choice here…Lauren and Thia…Thia is in. I hate that for Lauren…

8:59 Brett and Paul. This one will be interesting too…Paul has a lot of fans in the audience…One in, one out…Paul is in. I wasn’t sure whether America would put him through or not, but that is the right call…And why are the Top 10 on the couch and not in the standard urinal stools?...After the break…