So I had a previous engagement tonight—more on that later—so we now join your regularly scheduled program already in progress…
8:32 Scotty is the only one that’s been declared safe…Ladies recap…
8:37 Ryan asks the girls if they are as close-knit as the guys…A video of the girls talking about their favorite moments…WOW! It’s going to be a LOOOOONG night!...
8:40 Dim the lights!...Lauren and Pia at center stage…Lauren…is in the Top 10. No big shocker there…Pia is also in the Top 10…Lauren says to Pia, “I did not want to be up there with you.”
8:44 Julie and Tatynisa…Julie says she felt like she let some people down…Tatynisa…Not in Top 10…America got that one right…Julie…Not in Top 10…America got that one right too. But the judges are probably thinking about her…After the break…