8:13 We’re back…Ford music video…“The World”…They’re using pieces of paper to decorate an old building or something like that…Casey did not appear so he must have been sick during the filming…
8:15 Ryan intros Amanda Seyfried of “Little Red Riding Hood” in the audience…Video of Idols going to premiere…Nikki Reid gushes over Paul McDonald, but he didn’t know who she was…Ashthon looks almost sick watching the movie she’s so freaked out by it…
8:18 Dim the lights…Ryan is looking for bottom three…Karen, Jacob and Stefano come down to the stage…Jacob said he definitely messed up but he got back on track…Karen blames technical difficulties…All of them are safe…except for Karen. That was a good trick…Karen moves to one of the urinal stools…After the break…