8:35 We’re back…Karen is the first person in the bottom three...Dim the lights…Lauren, Ashthon and Haley center stage…If he’s picking one from each group, it’s definitely Ashthon, even though Lauren did the “Idol” death song…Lauren said that after she saw the show, “It kind of sucked”…She says it was “kind of bad” and “she’s sorry”…She starts to cry and Ryan caves and tells her she’s safe…She gives Ryan a big hug…Ashthon and Haley now…Ashthon said she should’ve picked a song everyone knows. Her shoes perfectly match her top…Ryan asks Randy where Haley belongs. He says somewhere in the middle of country and R&B. Way to commit, Randy…JLo gets involved and talks a little too much…Ashthon is in the bottom three…Along with Haley tonight…Didn’t see that one coming…Everyone else is safe. That was a quick way to do it…So I was two for three predicting the bottom three…
8:40 Ashthon, Karen and Haley in the bottom three…I still say it’s Ashthon who goes home and I think she agrees. I also notice that she doesn’t seem very chummy with the other two girls…It’s interesting that Naima seems to have connected with America. Hmmm…After the break…