8:20 We’re back…Lights down…Front row of guys stands…Lee…safe…Aaron…He calls Ryan sir. How sweet…Safe…Alex…They’re leaving Andrew and Jermaine until the end…safe…Jermaine and Andrew join Ryan at center stage…It’s gotta be Jermaine right?...Jermaine looks totally cocky. Come on America…Ryan asks Ellen if she’s frustrated by these two…She says she’s sad…The person who is safe is…Andrew…WOO-HOO!...
8:24 Ryan asks if his mouth got him in trouble…He says no…He says where he comes from you can’t be taught the riffs and stuff like that because he’s a church singer. He says you have to have your own style and “what God has for me is for me”…Yeah, okay. Time to shut up now…He does “What’s Goin’ On”…I bet his conference call tomorrow is going to be super annoying…The performance was actually better tonight. Or maybe I’m just happy he’s leaving…Break…