9:59 We’re back…Ryan, Kris and Adam on the stage…Simon says they were both brilliant and unusually incredibly nice people and they both should be very proud and “the future’s all yours”…Ryan brings out Edward Boddington with the results…Adam moves Kris down to make room for him…Edward says it was a new world record with over 100 million votes…Lights down…Adam looks sick, while Kris looks cool…
10:01 And it’s KRIS!!!...He’s totally shocked, but Adam doesn’t look surprised…The Idols try to run out but I think someone stopped them…Ryan tells him, “You’re a superstar”…He says he doesn’t know what to feel right now. He trys to say something about Adam but Ryan cuts him off…He gets a trophy as well…Kris can’t even talk…Adam comes over to give him a hug. He doesn’t seem all that upset…Paula and Kara seem upset…Ryan introduces Kris to do “No Boundaries” as he and Adam laugh, probably about the song…
10:04 Kris does the song…His family is ecstatic…Allison has her arms around Adam, who seems very happy…I think they might have lowered this for him a little, because he’s handling it better…All of the Idols seem really happy. He’s clearly popular…Kris goes to the mini-stage with the Idols with him…Pyrotechnics start…I think he was supposed to stay on the stage…Justin is totally shocked…Lil is super excited…Jorge got right next to him so he’d get a lot of camera time…Kris’ wife comes on the mini-stage to join him and have a good cry with him. That was sweet…And we’re out…
Final thoughts in a moment...